Karur Vysya Bank IFSC Code Buddham Branch in Andhra Pradesh

Get IFSC and MICR code of Karur Vysya Bank Buddham branch in Buddham city, Andhra Pradesh state along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down..

Find Bank IFSC Code using the below Lists.
Bank Name Karur Vysya Bank KARUR
IFSC Code KVBL0004851
MICR Code 522053303
Branch Buddham
State Andhra Pradesh
City Buddham
District Guntur
Address 216 High Way Bapatla Vellaturu Road Besides Veterinary Hospital Buddam Village Karlapalem Mandal
Branch Code 004851 (Last six characters of IFSC code represent Branch code.)
Contact No. 22665914
Customer Tel: 022- 22654261 / 22654260 / 044-22543906
Bank Email neft@kvbmail.com
Website http://www.kvb.co.in

Branch wise list of Karur Vysya Bank branches in Andhra Pradesh

Links to Branchs in Buddham city, where Karur Vysya Bank has it's presence is listed below. Click branch name to get IFSC, MICR, branch location, address contact etc of branches.