Get IFSC and MICR code of Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Ghutani branch in Siwan,state- Bihar city, Bihar state along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down..
Find Bank IFSC Code using the below Lists.
Bank Name | Utkarsh Small Finance Bank |
IFSC Code | UTKS0001107 |
MICR Code | 841762202 |
Branch | Ghutani |
State | Bihar |
City | Siwan,state- Bihar |
District | Siwan,state- Bihar |
Address | Ground Floor,mauza-ghutani,paragana - Chaupar,p.s.- Ghutani,district -siwan,state - Bihar |
Branch Code | 001107 (Last six characters of IFSC code represent Branch code.) |
Contact No. | 7091599290 |
Customer | Tel: 0542- 2585696 |
Bank Email | |
Website | |
Branch wise list of Utkarsh Small Finance Bank branches in Bihar
Links to Branchs in Siwan,state- Bihar city, where Utkarsh Small Finance Bank has it's presence is listed below. Click branch name to get IFSC, MICR, branch location, address contact etc of branches.